Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Hollywood Fuck-Up

Aren't you the guy who cast hamsters as
sex-crazed cannibals in your all-hamster
remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

Nobody even knows what sex they are!
They could be anything!

Monday, December 15, 2014


Were you one of the torturers?

Were you one of the torturers
or more like a troll or voyeur or a

tormented blunderer in the
temple of souls?

Were you one of the torturers?

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I stole a guitar from the cannibals!
You smooched the witch of moolah!

We lived like elves in the leafy canopy!
You could probably fly!

Now all our swans are
dying dying dying

and we don't even cry!