Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nine Nakednesses

I saw nine nakednesses on my way to Paradise
and for all I know there may be a
new and different nakedness in every atom.

I saw

so much shining

that after the first
nine nakednesses, I was as blind as Moses.

Monday, September 9, 2013


This is a poem that translates into darkness.

Get down on your knees!
Give away all your money!
Forget about art!

My friends!

Are you
more like a tweet, or more like the
heat of a thousand suns?

Are you the ogre in my genome?
Are you daughters of art?
Are you money?

My darlings!

Ring every alarm!
Hock your bong! Hock your bling! Hock your karma!
Get down on your knees!

Give away all your money!